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Clipping allows the user to hide the cloud points with defined clipping objects like plane, slice or box. Clipping does not delete the points. Multiple clips are permitted. Use zooming, rotating and panning when creating a clip for better data visualisation in 2D or 3D.

Once a clip has been created, you can remove the clipping and restore the visibility of all point cloud data by selecting Reset Clips from the ribbon bar.

Reset Clips



Plane hides points beyond a single plane.

A single plane can be created along a specified axis or defined by three points.

To hide points by plane:

To hide points by plane:

1. Select Clip from the ribbon bar and then Plane from the drop-down menu.An additional window opens called Clip.
2. Select the Single point, Two points or Three points method to create the plane.For the Single point method define the Easting, Northing or Height axis for the plane orientation.
3. To create the plane with the Single point method, a temporary plane representing the clip appears in the graphical view and follow the cursor.Click once to position the plane. Points on one side of the plane are hidden from the view.Use Invert view to change the points visibility between plane sides.
4. To create the plane with the Two points or Three points method, select two or three points in the graphical view to define and orientate the plane.Points on one side of the plane are hidden from view.Use Invert view to change the points visibility between plane sides.
5. You can move the plane along the current axis by selecting the red indicator and holding the left mouse button.
6. Select Create to save the current clip.



Single point

Two points

Three points

Invert view

Invert view




Slice hides points outside of two parallel planes.

Two parallel planes can be created along a specified axis or defined by three points plane and slice width.

To hide points outside of a slice:

To hide points outside of a slice:

1. Select Clip from the ribbon bar and then Slice from the drop-down menu.An additional window opens called Clip.
2. Select the Single point, Two points or Three points method to create the Slice.For the Single point method define the Easting, Northing or Height axis for the slice orientation.
3. To create the slice with the Single point method, a temporary plane representing the clip appears in the graphical view and follow the cursor.Click once to position the first plane.Now the second temporary plane follows the cursor.Click again to position the second plane.Points outside of the slice are hidden from view.
4. To create the slice with the Two points or Three points method, select two or three points in the graphical view to define the first plane.Now the second temporary plane follows the cursor.Click again to position the second plane.Points outside of the slice are hidden from view.
5. You can resize the slice by selecting the red indicator and holding the left mouse button or change the slice width in the Clip window.To move the slice, hold down the Ctrl-key and left-click the mouse at the same time.
6. Select Create to save the current clip.



Single point

Two points

Three points




Box hides points outside a 3D box.

To hide points outside of a box:

To hide points outside of a box:

1. Select Clip from the ribbon bar and then Box from the drop-down menu.An additional window opens called Clip.
2. Select a method:Fixed on groundThe first box face is defined by three points at the height of the first selected point. The height of the box is defined by a fourth point.FreeThe first box face is defined by three points. The height of the box is defined by a fourth point.EastingThe first box face is defined three points around the Easting axis. The height of the box is defined by a fourth point.NorthingThe first box face is defined by three points around the Northing axis. The height of the box is defined by a fourth point.HeightThe first box face is defined by three points around the height axis. The width of the box is defined by a fourth point.
3. Select a point in the graphical view to represent the first corner of the desired 3D limit box.A temporary line is attached to the cursor.
4. Select a second point representing the opposite corner of the desired limit box.The resulting rectangle is projected onto the work plane.
5. Select a third point to determine the last box dimension.Points outside the boundaries of the box are hidden from the view.
6. You can resize the box by selecting the red indicators and holding the left mouse button or by changing dimensions in the Clip window.To move the box, hold down the Ctrl-key and left-click the mouse at the same time.You can rotate the box by selecting the purple indicators and left-click the mouse.
7. Select Create to save the current clip.



Fixed on ground







If all points are hidden after applying the box clip, it is likely that the limit box is defined in an incorrect position. In this case, use Cancel and try again.
