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Edit Setup Wizard: Setup Observations

Edit Setup Wizard: Setup Observations

1. On the selected station point    select the observations that shall be used for recalculating the orientation.For method Set orientation:Select an observation that shall serve as the known orientation. All measurements on this station point are recalculated with reference to the selected orientation.For method Known/Multiple Backsight:Select a point/points that shall serve as a known/multiple backsight points. The orientation to the selected points is taken for recalculation.For method Resection/Resection Helmert:Select the observations to points that shall serve as targets in the resection calculation.For method Local Resection:Select the observations to two points that shall define the line to which your station shall be oriented.For method Height Transfer:Select the observations to known target points from which the height shall be transferred to the station point.
2. Select Next to proceed with, Edit Setup Wizard: Compute Setup.


Set orientation

Known/Multiple Backsight

Resection/Resection Helmert

Local Resection

Height Transfer



It is important to differentiate between the selection of target points and the selection of observations to the target points. The target points are identified in Step 3. In this step of the wizard (Step 2), you choose the observation information. If there exists, for example resulting from a sets of angles calculation, more than one observation to a point, select only the one observation to be used. In the case of a sets of angles existing on a station point, this would be the    reduced measurement to the target point.
