Georeference Tool
Georeference Tool
Georeference Image: Select Points
Georeference Image: Select Points
To open the georeference image wizard, select an image and:
To open the georeference image wizard, select an image and:
- Select from the georeference image context menu.
- From the ribbon bar, select Georeference Image.
To georeference an image, ground control points are required. These points must be in an Infinity project.
Only points with local grid coordinate values are shown as available.
The first step of georeferencing an image is to select the ground control points to be used to mark the image.
1. | Select the project and then the image control points. |
2. | Select the points to move to the Ground Control Points list by selecting or to select all points. |
3. | Select Next to continue to Match Points. |
Georeference Image: Match Points
Georeference Image: Match Points
Next step is to match points from the list to the image.
There are two ways to define the picture pixel and the ground control point:
There are two ways to define the picture pixel and the ground control point:
Method 1
Method 1
Selecting the points manually from the list:
Selecting the points manually from the list:
1. | Select the point from the Points list. |
2. | With the mouse, navigate to the location in the image and left-click to define this point position. |
3. | Select a second point from the list. |
4. | With the mouse, navigate to the location in the image and left-click to define this point position. |
5. | Repeat until you have computed the residuals and you accept the results. |
Method 2
Method 2
Place the mouse over the pixel of the image and right-click to select from the list the point to mark at this position.
1. | With the mouse, navigate to the location in the image to where the point should be marked. |
2. | Right-click with the mouse and from the context menu select the point that defines the pixel. |
3. | Repeat until you have computed the residuals and you accept the results. |
Select Finish to complete the georeference wizard.
The image is stored in the Inspector and in the Navigator.
See also:
See also:
The video "Leica Infinity - Home Module - Georeferencing Images"
"Leica Infinity - Home Module - Georeferencing Images"