Data Import
Data can be imported to the current project from different sources. Based on the type of data you can define and apply specific settings and filters. The import functionality is available either from inside the File tab or from inside the Home tab.
It is only possible to import data into a project if the project is open in the application. Check if the Import menu is active. If not then open a project first either by creating a new project or by opening an existing project from inside the File > Project Manager.
Project Manager
Imported data files are listed in the Navigator under Source. Select any file to view its properties in the property grid.
To import data:
To import data:
1. | Go to the File tab and select Import from the menu on the left side or go to the Home tab and select Import from the ribbon bar. |
In the Import dialog: | |
2. | Select the Type of the source file to be imported. |
3. | Browse to the location where the source file is stored.All source files of the selected file type that are available in the selected location are listed in the content area of the dialog under Files.Select the Show subfolders option to list all files that are of the selected type, but contained in subfolders. |
4. | Select the Source files to be imported.Only files of the same type can be multi-selected.Selecting a file and pressing Ctrl+A, selects all files that are of the same type. |
5. | Select the Import option. |
Select the Show subfolders option to list all files that are of the selected type, but contained in subfolders.
Show subfolders
Source files
Only files of the same type can be multi-selected.
Selecting a file and pressing Ctrl+A, selects all files that are of the same type.
To import data by drag and drop:
To import data by drag and drop:
1. | On your computing device: Open the file explorer and browse to the location where the file is stored. |
2. | In the Infinity software: Select the Home tab in the ribbon bar and activate View within an open project. |
3. | Go to the file explorer and drag and drop the file into the View area to import the file. |
Import Formats
Import Formats
ASCII | A template must to be defined. See also Import ASCII Data. |
SKI ASCII | SKI ASCII files are written in a specific ASCII format to exchange information on baseline vectors. See also Importing SKI ASCII Files. |
Captivate/SmartWorx DBX | Imports all data belonging to a job measured in the field. Points that were deleted in the field are by default also imported. Under Settings, de-select this option if you do not want deleted points to be imported.Points that were deleted in the field can be recovered in the Navigator or in the Inspector. |
GNSS Raw Data | *.MDB only - Imports only the raw GNSS data from Captivate/SmartWorx jobs.RINEX 2.10, 2.11, 3.02 and 3.04 supported.Hatanaka supported (for example, RINEX observations files in a compressed format preferably used when observations are downloaded online from permanent reference station sites). |
Level Data | Import *.LEV format level data from the DNA levels. |
Coordinate Systems | Coordinate systems can be imported from:.dat files from Leica..lok files from iCON and SBG Geo..dc, .cal and *.jxl coordinate system files from Trimble. |
XML | Supported are LandXML and HeXML files. |
Point Cloud | Point clouds can be imported from:.pts or .ptx, both of which are ASCII based formats..xyz..sdb, the Leica specific format..las/.laz/.ply.Importing to .las/.laz: The data has to be in the local grid coordinate system.Importing to .las/.laz./*.ply: If the data includes classification, a point cloud is imported and includes as many classes as those included in the file. See also Manual Classification. |
Images - JPG, PNG, TIFF | Imports images from .JPEG, .PNG and *.TIFF. |
Georeferenced Images | Imports georeferenced images from .JPEG, .PNG and .TIFF with respective world files in .JGW,.PGW,.TFW. |
CAD | Imports CAD data from .dxf, .dwg and *.dgn. |
ICM | Import the Bentley ICM file with the alignment and surface. |
BIM | Import building information modelling data from .ifc or .ifczip files.Data structure (structure, types, layers) is preserved. |
ESRI Shape files | Imports points, lines and areas information from ESRI Shape files (.shp).The attribute information from the (.dbf) is imported as well and is listed in the Attribute table available from the Data Source context menu. |
ESRI Geodatabase | Imports points, lines, areas and codes definition from ESRI file geodatabase (.gdb) and mobile geodatabase (.geodatabase).Data can be imported from .zip files. |
GeoJSON | Imports points, lines and areas information from GeoJSON GIS file format (*.geojson).The attribute information is imported as well and is listed in the Attribute table available from the Data Source context menu. |
GEO Viewer - KML, KMZ | Import points, lines and areas information from .KML, .KMZ.The attribute information is imported as well and listed in properties. |
Zeno Mobile | Import Zeno mobile projects as zip files. The zip file has shape files, GNSS observations, linked images and defined coordinate systems. |
Observation Data GSI | Import *.GSI format for level data, points and TPS observations.For TPS observations:From the Import Settings table, you can select how the feature codes shall be processed during the import.In the Interpret Features field, you can choose if feature coding is interpreted as Thematic, Free or None.Thematic: A point-related code is created. Decide on which point or points the code shall be related to.Free: The result is a time stamp code. Time stamp codes are not point-related.None: Codes are ignored. Points are created without codes.Thematic codes may belong to either previous or following points. In theApply Code to field you can decide on which points the feature code shall be applied to:Previous point or Following point.All previous points until different code or All following points until different code is encountered while reading the raw data file.All previous and following points is encountered while reading the raw data file.Codes registered as WI 71 are imported as thematical codes independent of the coding import setting. |
Aibot Data | The Aibot data include image, GNSS and sensor information. |
LGO Project/CSYS | Import LGO projects or LGO global coordinate systems.The coordinate systems and georeferenced images attached to a project are imported when the path to the database ODB folder is defined.To import all global coordinate systems navigate to the CSysDb dbd file, default path: C:\ProgramData\Leica Geosystems\LGO\ODB\Fixed\CSysDb.For more information, see Import LGO Project. |
ZIP | Various compressed file formats (*.zip) are supported and show in the import dialog, if import is possible. Infinity attempts to preview the file contents to determine the correct import format. |
Points that were deleted in the field can be recovered in the Navigator or in the Inspector.
Importing to .las/.laz: The data has to be in the local grid coordinate system.
Importing to .las/.laz./.ply: If the data includes classification, a point cloud is imported and includes as many classes as those included in the file. See also Manual Classification.
The attribute information from the (*.dbf) is imported as well and is listed in the Attribute table available from the Data Source context menu.
Data can be imported from .zip files.
The attribute information is imported as well and is listed in the Attribute table available from the Data Source context menu.
The attribute information is imported as well and listed in properties.
For TPS observations:
Import Settings
Interpret Features
Apply Code to
Previous point
Following point
All previous points until different code
All following points until different code
All previous and following points
Codes registered as WI 71 are imported as thematical codes independent of the coding import setting.
Navigation features in the Import dialog
Navigation features in the Import dialog
- Under Recent, the last used locations are listed.
- Under Favourites, the locations are listed that you marked as a favourite by selecting the Set/Reset favourite folder option.Favourites can be removed from the list by selecting Remove from the context menu.
To Refresh the navigation pane, Rename or Delete a folder or to create a New Directory:
New Directory
Right-click onto the folder and select the desired function from the context menu.
It is also possible to copy and paste a location. Double-click the breadcrumbs in the files pane to make the field become editable and copy the desired path to it.