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Traverse Wizard

The traverse wizard allows you to build up a traverse from the setups defined in a project. You can also edit existing traverses. It automatically detects which setups are connected by back and foresights and suggests a sequence once you have selected the start point.

It also detects the traverse technique from the selected combination of setups and suggests the start and end point as well as the initial backsight and final foresight.


Not all kinds of traverses are defined by the classic setup of a start and an end point and an initial backsight and final foresight.

To create a new traverse:

To create a new traverse:

Go to the Processing tab and select Traverse from the ribbon bar.



The Create new traverse wizard starts with:

The Create new traverse wizard starts with:

Traverse Wizard: Extract Traverse

Go through the wizard to create a new traverse.

To edit an existing traverse:

To edit an existing traverse:

Select the traverse to be edited either from the Library section of the Navigator or from inside the TPS tab of the Inspector.

In the Navigator, right-click on the traverse to be edited and select Open Traverse Wizard from the context menu.

Open Traverse Wizard

In the Inspector, move down    into the traverse applications, select the traverse to be edited and select the    option.



Once selected you can also select the    Open Traverse Wizard option in the Results section of the Property Grid.


Open Traverse Wizard

The edit traverse wizard starts with:

The edit traverse wizard starts with:

Traverse Wizard: Extract Traverse

Go through the wizard to edit an existing traverse.

See also:

See also:

The tutorial "How to process a traverse"

"How to process a traverse"


The tutorial data can be downloaded in the Localisation Tool.