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Surface Types

In Infinity, surfaces are generated from measured points and point cloud sources. The quality of a surface, is heavily influenced by the characteristics of the source data. Factors such as the density of the points and the positions from which scanning measurements are taken, can lead to gaps and ambiguous areas. In these areas, the software has problems to determine the orientation of the triangles to be computed. Infinity provides different triangulation techniques, enabling you to achieve the optimal results. Two methods are used to extract 2.5D digital surface or terrain models from the selected point cloud data.

The surface types are:

  • Refined.
  • Regular.
  • Interpolated.
  • Digital Surface Model (DSM).
  • Digital Terrain Model (DTM).


Technical points are always added as a node in the final mesh, independently from the method used.


Refined, Regular and Interpolated surfaces, that are created using only technical points, output the same result.