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Statistical Testing

Both the mathematical and the stochastic models are based on a set of assumptions. This set is called a statistical hypothesis. Different assumptions result in different hypotheses. Statistical testing is used to verify the hypotheses. A special set of assumptions is referred to as the null-hypothesis H0.

This hypothesis implies that:

This hypothesis implies that:

  • Your observation does not have any gross errors (blunders).
  • Your mathematical model delivers a correct description of the relations between your observations and unknown parameters.
  • The chosen stochastic model for your observations appropriately describes the stochastic properties of the observations.

It is clear that there are two possible results for the testing of a hypothesis: Acceptance or rejection. A specific cut-off point or critical value decides on acceptance or rejection. The critical values establish a window of acceptance. The further beyond this window a result is, the less certain the set of assumptions is satisfied. Critical values are determined with you choosing a level of significance α. The probability that the critical value is exceeded, although the set of assumptions is valid, is equal to α. In other words, α is the probability of an incorrect rejection. Alternatively, the complementary level of confidence 1-α, is a measure of the confidence you can have in the decision.

While testing the null-hypothesis H0 there are two unfavourable situations that might occur:

While testing the null-hypothesis H0 there are two unfavourable situations that might occur:

  • Rejection of H0 while in fact it is true. The probability of this situation occurring is equal to the significance level α. This situation is called a Type I error (see the following table).
  • Acceptance of H0 while in fact it is false. The probability of this situation occurring is 1-β, with b being the power of the test. This situation is called a Type II error (see the following table).
Situation Decision: accept H0 Decision: reject H0
H0 true correct decision:probability = 1-α Type I error:probability = α
H0 false Type II error:probability = 1-β correct decision:probability = β

H0 true

H0 false

See the following topics for further information on testing the null-hypothesis and alternative hypotheses:

See the following topics for further information on testing the null-hypothesis and alternative hypotheses:


