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Sets of Angles Wizard: Select Setup and Points

Sets of Angles Wizard: Select Setup and Points

1. On the left side select the Setup upon which the measurements have been taken, that shall be used for the sets of angles computation.
2. Choose whether you want to compute the maximum number of sets or the maximum number of points.When you choose to compute the maximum number of sets, then the maximum number of sets that have been measured on the selected setup for either Face I or for Face I & II are detected, but only those points are offered for selection as available targets which have been measured in all sets.Points that have been skipped in one of the sets, are not offered for selection. Thus, the calculation method is called without skipped points.When you choose to compute the maximum number of points, then all points that have been measured on the selected setup for either Face I or for Face I & II are detected and offered for selection as available targets, independent of how many sets can be computed in relation to the current selection.Sets that have been measured excluding one or more of the selected target points are incomplete and thus ignored. The calculation method is called without incomplete sets.
3. Select either observation type Face I & II or Face I.
4. Select the Available Targets and select the    option to add all related measurements to the right side.
5. Select Next to proceed with the Sets of Angles Wizard: Sets Review.


maximum number of sets

maximum number of points


When you choose to compute the maximum number of sets, then the maximum number of sets that have been measured on the selected setup for either Face I or for Face I & II are detected, but only those points are offered for selection as available targets which have been measured in all sets.

Points that have been skipped in one of the sets, are not offered for selection. Thus, the calculation method is called without skipped points.


When you choose to compute the maximum number of points, then all points that have been measured on the selected setup for either Face I or for Face I & II are detected and offered for selection as available targets, independent of how many sets can be computed in relation to the current selection.

Sets that have been measured excluding one or more of the selected target points are incomplete and thus ignored. The calculation method is called without incomplete sets.

Face I & II

Face I

Available Targets

