Update Stations Wizard
Update Stations Wizard: Select Stations
In the Select Stations tab, all available or selected stations are displayed on the left side.
By default, stations are sorted by time and date. You can use filters and search to find required stations.
1. | Select the option to add across selected stations or select the option to add all stations. |
2. | Select the option to remove a selected station from the list of setups. Select the option to remove all stations from the list of setups. |
3. | Select Next to progress to the Update Stations Wizard: Review & Update Stations. |
Update Stations Wizard: Review & Update Stations
The Review & Update Stations tab shows computed setups with the highest class for the station and targets available in the project.
1. | Review suggested point source for stations. |
2. | Review suggested point source for targets by selecting the Expander option next to the station. |
3. | Select the Edit option to select different point sources for the computation. |
4. | Disable the Update checkbox if the station should not be updated. |
5. | Select the Apply scale to observations checkbox to apply pre-computed scale to the observations. |
6. | By default, a report runs and opens when you select Finish.Deselect the Show Report checkbox to hide the report. |
7. | Select Finish to start the operation. |
Apply scale to observations
Deselect the Show Report checkbox to hide the report.
Show Report